
Les Français récompensés aux Keeping The Blues Alive Awards 2012

by Fred ·

Les prestigieux « Keeping The Blues Awards » de la Blues Foundation récompensent cette année deux lauréats venus de France à qui nous ne pouvons qu’adresser nous plus chaleureuses félicitations … Plutôt que de longues explications, on vous redonne en version originale les présentations affichées sur www.blues.org

Mike Lecuyer – Saint Michel de Montaigne, France
Mike Lecuyer is one of the most important names in French blues. Though he began his love of the blues as a musician, it was his internet creation of La Chaine du Blues (the chain of blues) in 1999 that became his blues calling. This website connects the people of France with the totality of the country’s blues scene. The website, www.bluesfr.net, contains detailed information about clubs and festivals throughout France. It also features a comprehensive listing of French blues websites, web sites from other French-speaking countries, e.g., Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, etc., e-interviews, video, guitar instruction and blues news archives. For 12 years, he has coordinated the Tremplin Blues sur Seine (Challenge). He is the co-founder of W3 Bluesradio, the only French blues web radio playing continuous blues. He is also one of the 14 co-founders of France Blues, the new French association dedicated to promoting blues in France.

Mike Lécuyer - Keeping The Blues Award "International"

Print Media:
Soul Bag – Clichy, France
Elvin Bishop says, “Soul Bag is the best thing to happen to France since Django Reinhardt.” Founded by Jacques Périn in 1968, Soul Bag is the oldest blues magazine in France. Since its founding, over 200 issues have been published, covering mainly blues and also soul, rhythm & blues, gospel, funk and zydeco. Though its title might give the impression the magazine’s content is soul, it truly is a blues lover’s find. Published every three months, Soul Bag reaches 3,500 subscribers by mail and another 11,000 through its newsstand sales. The July-September 2011 issue, for example, featured stories on John Lee Hooker, Jr., Derek Trucks, the myth of Robert Johnson, and 30 pages of CD, DVD, and book reviews. Even though it is published thousands of miles from the Delta and in a foreign language, Soul Bag, like so many foreign publications, keeps American blues history and its modern performers alive throughout France.

Soul Bag - Keeping The Blues Award "Print Media"

Jacques Périn - créateur de Soul Bag en 1968

Les « KBA » existent depuis 1980 et à la différence des Blues Music awards pour les artistes, ils ne sont pas basés sur l’appréciation de l’actualité annuelle mais sur celle des résultats sur la carrière des photographes, clubs, radios, festivals, promoteurs, managers, magazines et sites web spécialisés..

En 2008, c’est Jean Guillermo qui dans le cadre du festival « Blues sur Seine » a reçu un KBA catégorie « international » et en février dernier Didier Tricard de l’agence « Jazz me blue » dans la catégorie « promoteur ».

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